European Central Bank: Traineeships in Operational Risk and Business Continuity Management
Type of contract Traineeship Who can apply? EU nationals eligible for our traineeship programme Grant The trainee grant is €1,070 per month plus an accommodationallowance (see further information section) Working time Full time Place of work Frankfurt am Main, Germany Closing date 12.04.2023 Your team You will be part of the Operational Risk and Business ContinuityManagement Section, which forms part of the ECB’s Chief ServicesOffice. Our team is responsible for developing, implementing and maintaining thepolicies that govern the management of operational risk, businesscontinuity and critical incidents at the ECB, and for providing otherbusiness areas with methodological support for any related matters. We also produce a holistic risk profile for the ECB, coordinatingbank-wide risk assessments and associated acceptance procedures,carrying out business impact and threat analyses, and running resilienceexercises and tests. In addition to this, we monitor and report on thestatus of risk mitigation measures and follow up on high-impactincidents at the ECB. Furthermore, our Section supports operational riskand organisational resilience management across the Eurosystem, theEuropean System of Central Banks, and European banking supervision. The ECB is an inclusive employer, and we strive to reflect the diversityof the population we serve. We encourage you to apply irrespective ofage, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, race, religiousbeliefs, sexual orientation or other characteristics. Your role As a trainee in our Section, you will: * provide support with tasks relating to all three of the Section’score disciplines (operational risk, business continuity and criticalincident management); * maintain systems containing operational risk and businesscontinuity-related information; * be responsible for maintaining the external loss database, as well asdata relating to the ECB-wide mass notification tool and associatedalert exercises; * monitor the news to keep abreast of external threats; * support resilience exercises and tests; * contribute to regular risk and control self-assessments (RCSAs),which includes preparing an enterprise risk and resilience dashboard forthe decision-making bodies and senior management of the ECB. This position offers you excellent opportunities to gain hands-onexperience in a team that fosters organisational resilience and acts asa second line of defence against non-financial risks. In this role youwill be able to develop strong analytical and communication skills byinteracting with a variety of stakeholders across the ECB. You will bepart of a multicultural team that strives for continuous innovation tomake a positive impact on the lives of European citizens. Qualifications, experience and skills Essential: * a bachelor’s degree or higher in non-financial risk management,business and/or public administration, auditing, information technologyor another relevant field; * experience analysing data and producing reports; * knowledge of organisational resilience, operational risk, businesscontinuity, or crisis management; * a good knowledge of the MS Office package, in particular PowerPointand Excel; * good skills in data processing and data visualisation; * an advanced (C1) command of English and an intermediate (B1) commandof at least one other official language of the EU, according to theCommon European Framework of Reference for Languages [2]. Desired: * experience in the financial/banking sector; * experience using Visual Basic for Applications in MS Excel; * a basic understanding of the functioning of the ECB, the EuropeanSystem of Central Banks and the Single Supervisory Mechanism. You are curious and eager to learn and want to further develop yourability to analyse complex information. You are keen to collaborate withothers, pursue team goals and learn from other people’s diverseperspectives. You strive to know and anticipate stakeholder needs andwill signal any need for change and propose alternative solutions. You are motivated to contribute to the ECB’s mission, to serve thecitizens of the EU as a member of a public institution and to work withcolleagues from all over Europe. You are keen to be part of our team andto use your skills and competencies to achieve the aims of thisposition. Working modalities You will occasionally be expected to work at the ECB’s recovery siteto enable the ECB to maintain its business continuity capability. Further information Three traineeships are available, each of a maximum duration of 12months. Their respective start dates are 15 July 2023, 1 September 2023and 1 November 2023. Other details on the conditions applicable to traineeships [3] at theECB can be found on our website. Application and selection process Further information on how to apply [4] is available on our website. The recruitment process for this position will include an onlineinterview. If you are not selected for this position but are still consideredsuitable, you will be placed on a reserve list for 12 months from theclosing date for applications, from which you might be considered forother traineeship positions within the ECB.
European Central Bank: Traineeship in Service Delivery Team
General Information Type of contract Traineeship Who can apply? EU nationals eligible for our traineeship programme Grant The trainee grant is €1,070 per month plus an accommodationallowance (see further information section) Working time Full time Place of work Frankfurt am Main, Germany Closing date 11.04.2023 Your team You will be part of the Governance and Transformation Services (GTS)Division, which acts as a cross functional service platform for theChief Services Office (CSO). The CSO is responsible for more than 800staff delivering internal services in the fields of administration,human resources, IT and finance. The GTS Division has more than 50 staff providing horizontal services inthe areas of communication, service delivery and optimisation, financialmanagement, vendor and service management, and quality management. It iscurrently concentrating on transforming working methods in the CSObusiness areas, fostering collaborative and cross-functional approacheswith a focus on flexibility, learning and results. This traineeship opportunity is in the GTS Division’s Service Deliveryteam. You will join a dynamic team that works to improve the delivery ofservices across the ECB, for both IT and non-IT projects. We arecontinuously seeking to optimise the ECB’s project delivery cultureand portfolio management, advising and supporting project managers andteams, project steering groups and the project steering committee. The ECB is an inclusive employer and we strive to reflect the diversityof the population we serve. We encourage you to apply irrespective ofage, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, race, religiousbeliefs, sexual orientation or other characteristics. Your role As a trainee in the Service Delivery team, you will: * work independently and cooperatively on a wide range of quantitativeand qualitative tasks; * support documentation preparation and analysis for ECBdecision-making bodies in the areas of project and portfolio management; * support project teams, from ideation to project completion, andassist with reviewing and validating project deliverables such as thebusiness case and the project charter; * participate in quality improvement activities for ECB projects, basedon data analysis, documentation review, and structuring problems usingyour initiative to solve them; * contribute to the automation and streamlining of processes; * update the relevant documentation used in project managementpractice. This traineeship offers excellent opportunities to gain in-depthknowledge of project and portfolio management practices, whilesupporting ECB-wide projects in all business areas. You will workindependently, support experienced team members in collaborative tasks,and present work to senior management. You will experience a steeplearning curve, gaining soft and hard skills alike in a fast-moving andchallenging environment. You will be part of a multicultural team that strives for continuousinnovation to make a positive impact on the lives of European citizens. Qualifications, experience and skills Essential: * a bachelor’s degree or higher in business administration, finance,information technology, computer science, economics or another relevantfield; * an ability to break down and solve problems through quantitativethinking; * advanced knowledge of the MS Office package; * an advanced (C1) command of English and an intermediate (B1) commandof at least one other official language of the EU, according to theCommon European Framework of Reference for Languages [2]. Desired: * knowledge of relevant project management standards (PM2, PMBOK orPRINCE2); * familiarity with enterprise resource planning systems (such as SAP)or project management software; * an understanding of the ECB’s mission, tasks and responsibilities. You are curious and eager to learn, and want to further develop yourability to analyse complex information. You are keen to collaborate withothers, pursue team goals and learn from other people’s diverseperspectives. You strive to know and anticipate stakeholder needs, andwill signal any need for change and propose alternative solutions. You are motivated to contribute to the ECB’s mission, to serve thecitizens of the EU as a member of a public institution and to work withcolleagues from all over Europe. You are keen to be part of our team andto use your skills and competencies to achieve the aims of thisposition. Further information Traineeship of between 6 and 12 months in total. The earliest possiblestart date is 1 July 2023. Other details on the conditions applicable to traineeships [3] at theECB can be found on our website. For additional information on this specific vacancy, you can speak toGunter Sleegers, on +49 172 6218 727 between 10:00 and 11:00 CET on 30March or 6 April 2023. Application and selection process Further information on how to apply [4] is available on our website. The recruitment process for this position will include a pre-recordedvideo interview in the pre selection phase and – if you are invited toparticipate in the subsequent selection phase – a remote writtenexercise and an online interview. If you are not selected for this position but are still consideredsuitable, you will be placed on a reserve list for 12 months from theclosing date for applications, from which you might be considered forother traineeship positions within the ECB.
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